Airborne Pathogens
TB Testing
TB Masks

BBP Overview


Training Sections

SVFD Infection Control Central


Safety & Health

The following program will assist in meeting annual OSHA requirements for Bloodborne Pathogens, provide additional training for airborne infections and education on station issues & MRSA

Links & Resources

Bloodborne Pathogen annual training of 3 hours is required under OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030. Even more important than the federal requirement is the resulting increase in employee safety and health.

You will need to be able to fill out the Google BBP response form as you progress throught the educational material.
Suggestions: Dual monitors, or splitscreeen or material on a laptop and fill in answers with a smarthphone. your choice.
You will fiil in the blanks as you are guided through the online program.

If you have ANY questions during the process, contact your Battalion Chief, the Deputy Chief or Chief.
Phone, e-mail or in person.
DO NOT leave questions unanswered!

Website Links
OSHA 1910.1030
OSHA Interpretations
Use the interpretations search to find out more information about any OSHA related regulation. ie. type "1910.1030" in the search and you can find clarifications about bloodborne pathogens.
SVFD Policies & Forms
SVFD Safety & Health Statement
SVFD Infection Control Procedures
Exposure Reporting Form
Step 2
Navigate through each section, fill in Google Form questions as you go.

You do not have to submit a training sign in sheet, the submission of the google form is sufficient


Hepatitis & other BBPS

BBP Prevention

Disposal issues

Airborne pathogens


BBP Overview
How BBP is spread
How BBP is not spread
Hepatitis Overview
Hapatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hapatitis C
Hepatitis Others
Prevention General
Prevention PPE
Prevention Washing
Prevention Sharps
Prevention Bio Bags
Prevention Gloves
Disposal at EMS Scenes
MVA Scenes
Crime Scenes
Disposal at station

BBP Online training questions
