As the square footage of flammable liquid spill/fire increases,
just the aspect of handling buckets becomes an issuing
deserving high attention and coordination.

Initial movement/setup of apparatus stored buckets will consume setup time & continuing operations will leave the Engineer overloaded.
If the Engineer is alone:
Normal pump setup, eductor setup, get buckets out of compartments or top of truck, open buckets, move eductor tube to next bucket, move empty buckets out of the way, move new buckets into place, establish water supply, monitor pump panel, answer the radio, check what type of Mutual aid foam is arriving and repeat most of those items several times.

Use a spanner wrench to remove lids.
If the lid will not come off, make a hole.
Stay ahead of the need for open and ready buckets.
Get empty buckets clear of operating area...they will quickly pile up.
Think of the process of an assembly line. BE SYSTEMATIC!

The next bucket should have the opening as close as possible
to the current opening
so eductor tube movement
is minimized.

If you took 1 minute
to read this page...
You would have almost used
1 bucket of foam concentrate for a 1,500Ft² gasoline fire
in the same time.

Incoming foam concentrate must examined carefully!
Class A only?....oops, Class A/B
